My dad has 2 Cisplatins under his belt and 15 more cooks to go. He is WIPED OUT. This is expected, right?
Many of you are familiar with our many unexpected struggles and we are happy to report all is "okay". No fever, blood work normal, the intense mouth sores are at bay.
His neck is beginning to look raw-kind of scary considering there are 15 more to go.
Is this normal, too?
Again, he is WIPED out/exhausted.
He continues to lose weight despite the PEG tube. Is this "normal"?
We are heading toward the finish line-so happy. We are expecting a tough road still. Each tick of the clock brings us closer to being done. cool

Dad Treated for T2N1M0 Tonsil Cancer August 2005. 35 IMRT radiation, 3 doses Cisplatin. Selective Modified Neck Dissection November.