Gail, my husband got them but didn't think they worked for him. Acupuncture did the trick though. He used it all through radiation and had very little trouble with nausea and not that much with mucositis for that matter. He still uses it now for pain relief, xerostomia, and a few other issues. His acupuncture doctor is on staff at our cancer center's integrative medicine unit. Unfortunately, its not covered by insurance and he pays $80 per appointment (once a week). I think it can be even higher. I remember he stopped going the last week of his radiation treatment for a week and started getting nauseas and then resumed the following week and the nausea went away. He didn't have chemo, so I don't know how acupuncture would have done for the combined treatment. Jerry never had to take any medications during treatment except a pain medicine. He attributes it to the acupuncture, but who knows, maybe he was just lucky.

Wife of Jerry - Dx. Jan '05. SCC BOT T1N2BM0 + Uvula T0N0M0. Stg IV, Surg on BOT and Uvula + Mod Rad Neck Diss.(15 rmvd, 4 w/cancer), IMRT 33x. Cmpltd 5/9/05.