I know that the fever,infection chemo,rad,the 4 differant iv antibiotic and the dehydration have all been a big blow to his kidneys.He feels better and wants to come home.As far as patient care goes he would be better off at home.The patient care at this hospital really sucks.I spent 17 years in the medical field as what some now consider a peon (LPN).That is something you rarely see in a hospital around here anymore.The idea being the patient would get far better if treated by only a team of RNs.Gone ar the nursing asst and the LPNs.Who does patient care?You know seeing asst the patient with showers changing the bed ,oral care and all those task that the peons use to do.NO ONE.His bed has been changed 1 time in 7 days and I did it then,he has had 1 shower in 7 days I put him in the shower the same day I changed his bed.They dont have to give him a shower but he needs asst and they dont offer,but it is part of their job.Their idea of mouth care was to turn the suction machine on and showing him how to use it, they just didnt show him how clear the cath after each use.So it became very nasty I threw it away and made them replace it.There is more to patient care than giving meds.I am sure they are all glad I have been sick and have only been there twice.Thats about to change.