Sherry - one little tidbit to everyone's post - if you increase the patch by huge doses - Ed went from 25mcg at onset of radiation to 75mcg not too far after onset then straight to 150mcg be sure you're with them or someone with them for at least 24 hours. Ed had the tendancy to get VERY light headed and nearly passed out more times than I can remember, behaved (more) oddly, and actually had a near migraine headache for about 1 week. His pain got out of control really quickly and we used liquid Tylenol 3 (only thing we used his PEG for) for breakthrough pain. Don't forget to include senna or some vegetable stool softener like Sheldon said. FYI - watch for perimiter burning. Ed got a batch that were (we later found out) recalled. We told the pharmacy and doctor about it - it burned his flesh just on the outer edge of where the adhesive was - at first we thought it was like an allergy to tape/sticky stuff...

Like I tell everyone for radiation burn - get Domeboro Soak. Best $4 you could ever spend for relief! Been 'round since the 30's for good reason.

Good luck! Every treatment down is one less left on the list! smile


Caregiver to Uptown/Ed, SCC Stage IV, Base of tongue - Completed Chemo (Cisplatnin/5FU) and 45 days' simultaneous Radiation 10/08/03