Dear Gita,

I am overwhelmed by the profound love and clarity with which you express your feelings about your sister and her situation. Thank you for sharing such intimate thoughts with us.
You gave your sister an incredible gift by supporting her while allowing her to make her own decision on how to proceed.

Sometimes it sure seems like it's so unfair for such horrors to happen to such good people. But...I feel in my heart that while my Scott was fighting cancer, his soul was doing its most important work. His eventual demise was part of the eternal golden braid that is life, and I feel honored to have been a part of it.

Your sister sounds so brave and strong. The sense of calm you describe washing over everyone may surely be evidence that her soul is doing great work; that she might have more treatment options is incredible.

I will pray that you will all be bathed in the shining light of the universe's love during this time.


Wife of Scott: SCC, Stage I retromolar 10/02--33 rad; recurrence 10/03--Docetaxol, 5FU, Cisplatin; 1/04 radical right neck, hard palate, right tonsil; recurrence 2/04--mets to skin and neck; Xeloda and palliative care 3/04-4/04; died 5/01/04.