My mom had tongue cancer surgery 2/03( docs did not recommend radiation), neck cancer surgery 10/03(w/chemo and radiation)Her jugular vein on one side was removed in that surgery. Just last week we found out a new lump on her neck is cancerous and its attached to her carotid artery. Her oncologist recommended radiation but her surgeon( at a different hospital says to do chemo in a "protocol" at Johns Hopkins. Now her radiologist said she wouldn't do radiation cause the carotid artery could start to bleed. We hope to see the hopkins dr. for the study next week but the radiologist did not give me much hope-- she said if the chemo didn't work she may have 2 months left. My mom's still willing to fight this damn thing but , I know there may come a time soon when she'll want to stop. I don't want to think about that, but just want to make sure I let her know I love her and give her happy times as long as she's here. My heart goes out to you-- it's a roller coaster-not a fun one. linda