
I am looking for input from anyone who has had candida in their esophagus. Heather is currently battling this and right now, it seems like she is not winning. She had a few white patches in her mouth, but they came and went, so it was not diagnosed early. I am going to call her surgeon today, but I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had this.

I'm not even positive it is candida, but that is what she is being treated for with Diflucan. She has only had 3 doses and maybe it just takes longer before she will see results. But if she doesn't soon get over the nausea and vomiting, she will end up in the hospital. It has been 11 days now and she still throws up about half the time. She will have a good day and keep a little Ensure down, then the next day she is throwing up again. frown I'm hoping the surgeon will do a scope or something to determine if there is something else wrong.

This is a great example of why a multidisciplinary center is the best place to receive treatment. We didn't even know which doctor was best equipped to correctly diagnose this. You would think it would be easily recognized, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I guess if your mouth is covered in white fuzz, it is easy. But who knows what is going on in the esophagus or stomach?



Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.