Well, the prankster God, weilding the cosmic sledge hammer, beating the crap out of me, is working overtime. I now have a cold! Treatment is delayed yet another week and scheduled to start 2/20. Not that I'm exactly looking forward to treatment, but I am looking forward to completing it!

As to the weight issue, I'm 5' 10" and about 240 lbs. I definitely have some "reserves". However, when I mentioned this to the nutritionist, she got this deer in the headlights look and exclaimed, "Oh, no! We don't want you losing any weight until after you've completed treatment". Now, I've been doing a lot of research and spent a lot of time educating myself, (a good deal of it here), and preparing myself for this upcoming fight and I do understand how crucial it is to remain hydrated and nourished throughout treatment, but...

Anyone care to, ahem, "weigh in" on this topic?

BTW, the nutritionist is recommending 90 grams of protien a day for me. I mentioned that I had found a soy protein shake mix available online, made by Revival Soy. Its not high calorie but it is 25 grams of protein per shake. She was unfamiliar with it. I found it when I was looking to introduce more soy into my diet to mitigate menopause symptoms and have been very happy with it.

SCC, Right tonsillar fossa, T4N2M0, Dx 1/12/07