G'day to all from down under...although we're Canadians!

I'm new to this site but I have read you quite a lot for the past few weeks. Today we're facing a a big step and we're quite ambivalent about the choice. I told my husband (hubby as we say)that I would seek your advice!!!

So here I am. Marie-Lyne, David's wife. At age 44 with absolutely no warning signs except a palpable node on the right side of his neck, we were stunt to learn that David had a SCC of base of tongue. No smoking, healthy lifestyle,super in good shape, social drinker....really came out of nowhere. I know we are not the first ones but boy when it hits you, it really hits you.

David had a R) radical modified neck dissection on 01-10-05. 2/36 nodes positive. Tumour is still there and will be treated with 7 weeks of radiotherapy on right side only. He was back to softball/baseball 10 days later. 9 teeth extracted 01-27-05 back to softball/baseball the next day! He's scheduled for a PEG in 2 days. He's strong as a horse mentally and physically BUT psychologically the PEG is a very bid deal....I mean a BIG deal.

His radio-oncolist proposed the PEG to David as he does for everyone else. One of his mates (who actually is from Arizona) had similar treatment for his SCC of R)tonsil area and refused the PEG. He made the decision that he would swallow through the end. David has also spoken to another person who actually choose to have the PEG and was very happy with her decision, actually she kept longer then she should have but for her it was better this way. Now I know that each case is different but I was wondering if any of you have decided not to have PEG and can "testify" that is was a good choice or an error.

I welcome all advice as David's in the process of taking his decision. I will pass all your comments.

Thank for your help. I hope I will be able to help in return one day.

cheerio, Marie-Lyne

Wife of David, 44yo, SCC-BOT-R) mod. rad. ND in Jan 06. 35x standard RT from Feb-April 06. Recur on L) side same level in Sept 06 with mod rad ND. 1/48 node positive SCC + 1/48 positive micropapillary carcioma consistant with thyroid CA.