Hello All,
We asked the ENT for a second meeting to gather more informaiton. Earlier on the same day we also got a call from our oncologist who had a very strong opinion that we should go for ND even though he was in agreement with the ENT that Michael's treatment was successful. Our second meeting with the ENT only confused us further. When I asked why had he recommended ND if he'd thought that the cancer was gone, he stated that he didn't recommend it but simply wanted us to consider this option. As to the type of the ND, he felt strongly that we didn't need a bilateral, since he didn't think that the node in the right side was problematic. And then, the papers we were given to sign off in the office had one for a radical ND and the other for modified. When asked what type of surgery this would be, the ENT confirmed that it would be a selective. I don't know how on Earth we can make a decision if our doctor is not convinced himself. In quite an agony, we cancelled a surgery and are going to get a second opinion at the UF's Shands.

Brian, it seems that this is an issue many people treated with chemoradiation have to grapple with. What is your take on this? I'd very much appreciate if you share your opinion.


My husband Michael was diagnosed in July 2005 with larynx cancer. Treatment - 7-week IMRT plus cisplatin and fluorouracil the first and fourth weeks - finished first week of October.