Well the Hydrocortisone is just the kind you buy over the counter. They said use it in between aps of the Biafine to keep the itch down and it works but doesn't last for more than a couple of hours and then the itch is back. Thing is you can only use the Hydro three times a day so I am not sure if its a waste or not. She said if it doesn't help doc will give me a script.

I bought some cow udder cream and had the pharmacist check the stuff for medals and she said none so I am using that this weekend to see how it goes. My rad nurse said no medals but anything I wanted to try was fine with that exception. I must say I used the "Moo" cream yesterday and this morning and my neck feels wonderful. No itch and no tightness whatsoever.

I will be telling her about this in the morning. Larry I do not go out in the sun without a scarf to cover my neck. They warned me about going out with the Biafine on.

(((((((Larry)))))))) I am so sorry you had to go through that horrible ending. You are all my heros and I pray for you daily.

God bless and keep you til we meet again,

[i]"The artist, a traveler on this earth, leaves behind imperishable traces of his being." -Fran