Oh, heavens Amy. Whining is always allowed. :-) Thank you for the kind words! I'm off to read up on how your husband is doing and will post over there too. I know you were looking at a long commute for treatment...hope everything is working out okay.

Things here are going fine. My family gritches at me to get more rest, but it's so nice to be home...and being involved around the house makes me feel "normal" again. :-) I can tell the trache hole is healing up...less air going in and out when I forget to hold it when I speak (thanks for the reminder!!). Also, got a home care service in to change the dressing on my arm so I don't have to worry about that for a while.

Took my first shower yesterday. ahhhhhhhh..what a relief...probably to my family too. :-D So nice to have a truly clean body again and not just a sponge bath. The graft site on my leg tolerated the shower well, and I "double-baggied" my arm to keep it dry. I also got to eat a half-way decent dinner. Cream of Brocolli soup, small amount of mashed potatos, and some Boost...Butter Pecan. I know all of that will get old fast, but sure tasted good now.

Daniel, thank you for the reminder to measure in terms of weeks instead of days. My biggest weakness is I am really impatient.



Stage II (T2N0M0) SCC diag 4/21/05; partial glossectomy & selective neck dissection (good margins and lymyph nodes negative), jaw split, 1/3 of tongue removed, free flap from left forearm - 5/23/05; 42 years old at diagnosis