At this point before the start of radiation treatmentit is very concerning. It is "the fear of the unknown" I was told many times at the cancer center I went to by the Oncologyst, the radiotion tech, the nurses etc. that my positive attitude was a big help. One thing that helped me was I had a long conversation with a onc. and expressed my fears and that I was determined that I would not suffer any of the side effects that was so carefully described to me. At the end of the conversation as a joke I asked him if I could call him a lier if my determination held and none of the detrimental side effects occured. He laughed and replied definately and if I did we would go to lunch. That is where they have good soup. After my last treatment we went to lunch, and shared a good laugh. Your husbands determination will go a long ways to the positive. Keep positive thoughts and everything will be all right. Best of luck and gon't give up

