plk71: if you feel bad, I guess I better bury my head in the sand for sure! I'm doing better now at pulling info up on the site, but it wasn't an easy site to navigate, especially in the beginning.....I'm sure the same would be true if you hadn't been out here in awhile! Some of us that don't have the time to sit at the computer and search appreciate getting this info quickly from other members, so for that I thank you!

There has also been quite a bit of research done on Muscadine grape extract as a nutritional supplement with substantial anti-oxident properties. The research shows where it has helped current cancer patients. Several of the docs from Bowman-Gray are involved in this and the documentation on it is pretty thorough. I'm sure there is more info on the OCF site re: this research, but if you are pressed for time and would like some more info on it, pls email me and I would be happy to forward it. I'm a huge fan of Western medicine, and am a bit hesitant on alternative treatments, but this one does come with good scientific research results. Thanks, and have a great day!
