As I wrote earlier, my most recent CT scan showed a very small node (8mm) under my chin that had changed size slightly since the previous CT scan. MDACC recommened that I return in 3 months for another CT scan. Having been in this "game" now for almost 3 years, and having learned a long time ago to be my own advocate, I was not willing to sit around for 3 months wondering if I had a recurrance.
The doctors at MDACC recommended doing nothing for 3 months or having an ultrasound, which, I and my radiologist friends believed, would reveal nothing. Fortunately my cousin, a radiologist, operates an imaging clinic and recommended a PET scan. For some reason the head and neck doctors at MDACC do not believe that PET scans are good diagnostic tools for recurrances of H&N cancer. Others disagree, including my cousin, who has been a radiologist at at major hospital, specializing in neuro-radiology for 30 years. So yesterday I had the PET scan along with a CT scan.
Fortunately, both scans showed no recurrance, so I am very relieved.
One realizes, after a while, that medicine is as much an art as a science, and different doctors and hospitals are attached to their own protocols, which can be inflexible.
This is not to say that the doctors at MD Anderson are wrong, but I personally feel a lot better now that I have explored other avenues.

Danny G.

Stage IV Base of Tongue SCC
Diagnosed July 1, 2002, chemo and radiation treatments completed beginning of Sept/02.