This is why I'm asking you folks in the forum. As I've explained, my ENT surgeon is kind of a rush rush man, and thinks quite a few of my questions are absolutely ridiculous, but he brought this up last week and told me it will come up at our pre op appointment. "You need to decide if we remove your voice box if we find cancer cells" Hell, I'm trying to think positive thoughts here. I'm trying to recover from radiation, chemo, and Iressa. I don't think they WILL find cancer cells, so I don't know why he would just rip my voice box out so willy nilly without some other plan in action as to how I am to recoop from such a procedure.

This will be my first neck dissection and hopefully my only surgery for this, I'm assuming the surgeon's sat you all down and told you.. well, this could happen.. and this could happen....

The more I think about this sudden rush at me, I'm going to refuse to have anything "extra" done to me than what I'm going in for.

I'm planning to be in the hospital for five boring days after a simple neck dissection that removes only my lymphnodes and takes some biopsy samples.

Everything else can wait.

Thanks... I am beginning to try to calm myself down.
