I've just read both your posts today and can see that you are really in the midst of some horrendous challenges. If my memory serves, you are a person who arms herself well with information and is not afraid to battle for what you need. Bravo to you for making it so far!
I have no experience with the Iressa (but would love to learn more) but the phlegm problem is right up my alley.
Many days my calorie count was practically zip due to all that thick mucous. It seemed to just bubble out of me...with the resultant nausea and vomitting. The main thing I found that gave any sort of relief was plain salt free soda water. I would sip away at that constantly through the day and night (who was sleeping then anyway?) A few cc's at a time and mostly I could keep it down and it broke up some of that thick yucky stuff. That allowed me to get some broth and slippery noodles down as I had no PEG.
Keep your eyes on that that "one more week" goal...you are almost there! You know there will be a couple of rough weeks after the rads are done, but at least there won't be any additional stress placed on your stressed to the max body.
We're all rooting for you here at the boards..keep typing,keep fighting.
All the very best to you fellow traveler,

SCC Base of tongue diag. April 04 Stage IV, mets to rt. neck multiple nodes 35 rads+8 boosts First recurrence Jan05. Rt.rad neck dissection Feb02/05. Recurred with bone mets in neck July 05.
Committed to survival with dignity.