After having a substantial amount of radiation last summer (7wks) you can imagine my surprise at hearing that "re-radiation" may be part of a more assertive plan to deal with the cancer that was not held back in any significant way.
Meeting with my surgeon yesterday (3wks post-op) confirmed that the cancer had invaded a well radiated saliva gland, the jugular vein as well as some other structures in my right neck. The muscle that was dissected was clear as were some remaining nodes, and provided my only margins. The aggressiveness of this disease is staggering, but I do need to consider quality of life vs the assault of another round of rads. I meet with the Rad Onc in two weeks.
Does anyone have experience or knowledge of the practice of re-radiating? It was my impression from the doc that rads were a one time thing.
Thank you in advance for your input.

SCC Base of tongue diag. April 04 Stage IV, mets to rt. neck multiple nodes 35 rads+8 boosts First recurrence Jan05. Rt.rad neck dissection Feb02/05. Recurred with bone mets in neck July 05.
Committed to survival with dignity.