Hey Cheryl,
We received a receipe from the rad oncologist to make the mouthwash. Ask them for it. I believe it contained water, salt, Bendryl and Lidocaine. Dan used it constantly during rad/chemo treatments and it helped. It's a long haul, but God and many very good friends helped us thru. It sounds like your dad has good family already helping. The rad team also gave us a certain type of lotion for Dan to use after rad everyday. He should have no lotions or anything on before going into his rad treatment everyday.

Take care and God bless,

Debbie - Caregiver for husband, Dan, diagnosed with tongue cancer 7/03. Partial gloss., mod. neck dissections, graft. Recurrence neck tumor 12/03. Radical left neck dissection 12/24/03-unable to get all the tumor. 8 weeks chemo/rad beginning 1/12/04.