I am taking part in a study of a drug called Pentoxifylline and Vitamin E in the treatment of late radiation injuries. I would like to get peoples opinion on it.

My history is that I had a right radical neck disection in Dec 2002, radiation to right side only in Mar/Apr 2003, then a recurrance on my tongue in Aug 2003 in which about 15% of tongue removed. Everything was going okay until Dec 29 when I woke up, the entire right side of my face was swollen. I have had this swollen face for 3 months now, some days are worse than others, at times I can hardly open my right eye.

The study is being done because researches believe that radiation related injuries might be caused by damage to the tiny blood vessels that deliver blood to different parts of the body. The lack of blood then leads to damage to your skin, the tissue below the skin or to other parts of your body. If you feel pain, or it you can feel or see a hardened area on your body, it is this damage that you feel or see. This drug improves the flow of blood through blood vessels, in the past it has been used to reduce pain caused by poor circulation.

I am trying this drug to see if it removes/improves the swelling on my face.

Right Radical Neck Disection 2/02, 7 wks Rad. rgt side 04/03, 15% of tongue removed 08/03, Lung Met 05/04, lung surgery removed 8 nodules and 4 lymph nodes in chest all SCC