Hello Moises,

I have some thoughts regarding your concerns about going back to work. I worked in the environmental field and have done some regulatory work, so I have some insight but I don't want this to be interpretted as a professional opinion. Please also discuss this with your doctor and employer.

The health problems with construction work is likely to be with particle matter - sawdust, air-borne dust, paints, diesel fumes, etc. that will irritate your mouth and throat that are already sensitive due to the tonsil cancer and any treatment you may have had.

Also, you may have difficulties with the work if you are having any other physical problems due to treatment (such as tiredness, losing, weight, dry mouth, etc).

As far as the construction work CAUSING cancer, that is a great unknown. As in many workplaces, there are chemicals used that can be hazardous to your health, or may cause cancer. We don't always know what causes one person's cancer. While many people with oral cancer were heavy,or longtime drinkers and/or smokers, many such as myself, were not. So, I do not know what caused MY cancer, just as I don't know what caused Your cancer, or why some smokers get oral cancers, but others don't.

Whenever around known carcingens (cancer causing chemicals), the appropriate safety measures must be used. (face masks, gloves, ventilation, etc)

So, without knowing the specifics of your job, you are not at greater risk of getting a NEW or recurrent cancer due to the construction work.

HOWEVER, it is very important to follow work place safety rules, such as OSHA requiremnets. If you are supposed to wear a respirator, use it. If chemicals are to be used in a well-ventilated area, then do that. ETC.

If possible, check with a Safety supervisor, or county health department. If you use any chemicals, read and ask questions about the proper use.

Also, equipment operation should be a concern based on your current health.

I would be happy to email direct if more info is needed.

Best of luck to you,

PS Brian could you or someone help translate?? thanks.

History of leukoplakia <2001-2004. SCC lateral tongue 9/03; left radical neck dissection & hemiglosectomy 10/03, T2-3,N0M0; 28 IMRT radiation completed 12/03. 30 HBO dives Oct-Nov 04 for infections and bone necrosis -mandible.