Hello Everyone, I have a few questions.

My father has completed treatment (rad. & 5 rounds of chemo) on November 6th. From an earlier post some us you might recall that he was doing much better about 2-3 weeks after treatment stopped, however since then he has gotten increasingly worse (mouth pain, sleeping constantly, difficulty talking, etc.) We have taken him to all three of his Dr.'s and they do not seem to concerned, but have placed him on an antibiotic in case there is an underlying infection. He goes for follow-up tests on Thurs.

The new problem is... in the past couple days he has been hallucinating and talking to imaginary "people" or talking to us and making absolutely no sense at all. However, sometimes he seems perfectly logical. He is constantly restless, even when he "appears" to be sleeping, he is mumbling, talking, gesturing, etc. He NEVER seems to be peacefully sleeping or resting.

The only medication he is on is morphine and I am wondering if this is causing the problem. He has been on morphine for a couple months now (he can not use the Duragesic Patch because he had a severe reaction to it) so I don't know why a problem would start now?

What is a little scary is that 15 yrs. ago, when he stopped drinking, he acted this exact same way. This behavior is what landed him in re-hab for alcohol. Then he was imagining not only people, but "big bugs and spiders everywhere". I don't know if his body can only take so much of a substance before this happens? Does anyone have any imput or know of a similiar situation?

I called his Dr.this weekend and she said to take him to the emergency room if there was a problem. However, that would be a huge ordeal (he would not go and would fight), so we are taking him in to see her. I am looking for some possible suggestions/questions to ask. In the past, the information I have received on this board has greatly helped me when dealing with the doctors. I feel like if I go in there with some knowledge, they can't minimize what's happening.

Thanks so much!
