I just returned from MD Anderson, after meeting again with the swallow people and nutritionist. The bottom line is that when radiation is used concurrently with chemo., as was done in my case, it increases the intensity of the side effects, hence my continuing swallowing problems and my blocked esophagus, which has now been pretty successfully unblocked.
The good news in my case is that both my base of tongue tumor and three neck nodes are gone. However even after 7 months I can only eat soft foods, and not that much volume of them. I still have my PEG tube and use it once or twice a day. Of course I swallow liquids quite well and could drink Boost Plus or Ensure Plus rather than use the tube.

For many of us recovering from the treatment is a slow process. I feel well enough and am able to be pretty active, but I certainly would like to be able to eat more easily and more normally. Who knows, perhaps it will continue to improve. Treating oral cancer involves trade-offs. I have my life and my vocal chords, but my epiglotis ain't what it used to be. What can you do but carry on?

Danny G.

Stage IV Base of Tongue SCC
Diagnosed July 1, 2002, chemo and radiation treatments completed beginning of Sept/02.