thanks guys for all the info iam going to pick up some of that boost and i just drank some carnation instant breakfast i also have a juicer and have been trying some combo fruit juices ...i've had the prosthesis for probably 2 months or more and i've had the DROOL since after my surgery it seems when i try to chew i can't move the food around because of course the tongue surgery how did you get around that ?? i would like to start eating those cups of fruit (lunch paks ) and some soups like almost a (chunky type soup) iam pretty fed up with this ensure shit and then feeling like crap after i drink it thanks guys

30yr WM ,2003 dx oral squamous cell ca of tongue had lesion removed on lt side of tongue and 9 nodes 1 node pos. had 36 treat. rad therapy 2004 had lesion growing on lt base of tongue had partial glossectomy with skin flap taken from left arm