Hi, I have had a G-tube for almost two years, it was nor-t suppose to be that way just delay in surgery . Easier to maintain than to take out. I never tried to crush pills in, just get medicine in liquid form. It will clog, we once got choclate ensure my mistake, the bag clogged, the tube clogged, but guess what, I wasn't constipated any more. My Radiology Technologist changes my tube every three months.Thats the rule I guess. They say 7UP to wash out a clog. One day I was clogged and I used Pepsi, nothing, got some 7up and all clear immediately. I have also pulled mine out. The first time it hurt but I looked down stunned, pushed it back in again. A year earlier I would have passed out! I went in that day to get a new one. Next time it just fell out when I was sleeping, this wouldn't happen to a new one. They give you little lace skirts, I call them that to hold tube in place, they stretch right away. Tape, I am allergic to a lot of it, after you use for awhile red rash comes and goes. Then I read a thing in Dear Abby about the uses of old pantyhose, I cut the legs off and crotch, used the top to hold G-tube in place, no matter how active I am it keeps it in place and no pulling out. Good Luck gnelson

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000