Thank you for the input. I was extremely upset the other day getting ready for my trip. I know everything will be ok. I know he will be excited to see pictures- we talked everyday at 4 am from Honk Kong, Bangkok, wherever I was. Before the trip I went to see him, and he insisted that we carry on with our plans and come after to tell him all about it. It was making him think about when he went there when he was younger. I'm very worried about his jaw not healing properly. My aunt said the last visit that the doctor overseeing the proceedure told the doctor who did the surgery that he would have used a different kind of implant- not the titanium one. What? Shouldn't they have discussed that BEFORE she put the plate (that is now just rejecting) in? Time for a new doctor? We might go see a few.
On a better note my dad is starting to do some counseling and I'm bringing him a laptop. I hope that I can get him interested in the computer. He likes to read so I think it will be something he can get into. My aunt has a computer but he never goes on it. This one will be his- he has never had internet- and he can take it everywhere with him.
Well I just wanted to check in real fast to say hi and wish everbody well.

karen and dad