
Sometimes people just ask questions because they are out of their comfort zone and trying to extend their hand of friendship to remind you they are there. In the process they are making attempts at small talk to try to see where the conversation may steer itself. The problem is, like two rudderless ships, the conversation can't be steered anywhere. Find yourself a brief response that says, in your very own way, what you want them to know. Unfotunately, I would most likely answer with humor, that is just my nature.

For example, do you have a will? Why, yes, I have been told often I have a very strong will.

What will you do when your hair falls out? I would most likely file away my comb and brush and buy more wash cloths to make sure my bald head doesn't get jealous form lack of attention.

What will you do if they take out the rest of your tongue? I would have to move to a larger house because of all the extra friends. HUH? The only thing that has kept me from having a million friends has been my tongue so without it, I should be able to keep more and keep them longer.

OK, so they aren't the best. If you don't want to answer, just look at them with a blank look on your face and they won't ask any more questions. Tell them you don't really feel like talking about that right now but you would like to know... That helps them know what you want to talk about, at least.

Ed (aka Mr Useless answers)

SCC Stage IV, BOT, T2N2bM0
Cisplatin/5FU x 3, 40 days radiation
Diagnosis 07/21/03 tx completed 10/08/03
Post Radiation Lower Motor Neuron Syndrome 3/08.
Cervical Spinal Stenosis 01/11
Cervical Myelitis 09/12
Thoracic Paraplegia 10/12
Dysautonomia 11/12
Hospice care 09/12-01/13.
COPD 01/14
Intermittent CHF 6/15
Feeding tube NPO 03/16
VFI 12/2016
ORN 12/2017
Cardiac Event 06/2018
Bilateral VFI 01/2021
Thoracotomy Bilobectomy 01/2022
Bilateral VFI 05/2022
Total Laryngectomy 01/2023