Correct me if I am wrong but, I know he is blind and I know he has prostate cancer , is he undergoing any treatment for that? I did not think he was invalided in any way. He is a big boy and pickling himself in Brandy is not going to help him or you.
Maybe he needs a wee jerk up to remind him that you have been pretty sick yourself and its now your turn to receive some support.
I hate to hear you so unhappy ..you are usually so upbeat and supportive of all your friends here.
You need a HUGGGGG girl..and a few days without worrying about him.
Just keep on venting here..we care a lot about you and would give anything to be able to really help when you need it.
Hang in there Helen..

Caregiver to husband Pete, Dx 4/03 SCC Base of Tongue Stage IV. Chemo /Rad no surgery. Treatment finished 8/03. Doing great!