Hi Carol, the topic you posted here attracted my attention because this is exactly the question I always ask my oncologist. While Brian has given you professional and medical information, perhaps you can read from the perspective of an ordinary (sometimes ignorant) woman. When I was first diagnosed with stage 4B cancer, I was concerned whether I could be cured. My oncologist said that my cancer was curable and when treatment was over and follow up scans suggested absence of cancer cells, I asked my doctor if I was cured already. He told me that I was in remission and couldn't be declared cured since there might still be cancer cells hidden somewhere in my body that the scan could not detect at that moment. When I asked about the 5 year survival concept, he said this is a general guideline and in fact quite a lot of patients have recurrence after 5 years and that is why close observation is essential especially in my case when the stage is so advanced. In his dictionary, there is no absolute cure in cancer cases.So I have already accepted the reality that once I was a cancer patient, I can never get rid of this title. I once looked forward to just seeing my oncologist once a year but now I have changed my mind. As long as my oncologist is willing to spend his time and resources on me, attending medical appointment gives me peace of mind and recurrence can be detected early.My medical appointment is still on a 3-month interval even though I am approaching my 3 year anniversary.Although my doctor said there is little I can do to prevent the disease from recurring, I somehow believe that I need to do my best to strenghthen my immune system like doing regular exercise (I swim for half an hour after work every day and walk in the countryside for 2 hours every Sunday morning), eating healthy food (a lot of fresh veggies and little red meat), releasing work stress (going to concerts , shopping , movies...) and thinking in a positive way.So far I have been doing even better than my old normal because I am very health conscious and have found meaning in my life.
Talking about meaning in life, Carol,please allow me to side track a bit here. I must say thank you to Brian and OCF.This forum has become one of my life savers because I find a lot of support and encouragement here. When I first joined this family, I was afraid that being a woman from China, I might be discriminated. However very soon my worry was proved wrong and for the past year, Brian should know that I have been a daily visitor of this site. I have also made a few friends here like Bob,Danny Boy, Dinah, Dee, Rosie,Lynn...and I always keep them in my thoughts.I really wish I could meet you guys in September and I think some of you may also wonder how I look. Too bad I cannot make it this time and I look forward to a second chance.
I'd better stop here otherwise I may be further carried away.Sorry Carol for invading your territory. Sometimes I really worry that the more I write, the easier I may get others offended.


Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.