Thanks, everyone, for your time and sharing.
I get confused on these definitions, as well, but I thought definition of free flap was when they take tissue, including veins, and separate it completely from the original site. A 'flap' is when it is still connected.
A skin graft is different-he has had many. We had enormous trouble with the first one - the site was so big and draining so much blood that they had covered it with a clear bandage that was not to come off until the blood dried. There was so much blood that it did come off, and that started a very painful treatment plan of wet-to-dry saline dressings. Everytime the dressing would dry, we'd pull off the new skin with the dressing. It kept getting worse until we went to a wound care center - the nurse did the opposite of the doctor's wet-to-dry saline method, and it became pain-free and healed quickly. The wound care nurse said that doctors are still being taught to do wet-to-dry, but that it is obsolete technique when you want new skin to grow. He has had no pain with the last 3 skin grafts-each time, a net dressing was put on immediately, and as the skin healed from the inside, the net dried and became loose and he just cut those edges off - no pain, no problems.
Donna, your information was very helpful. It sounds similiar. I will ask the dr. about this 'band' and also about therapy. He does not have any feeling in his thumb and no strength in the arm. Thanks!