First and foremost I send hugs and prayers from the bottom of my heart to Lynn's family. I only got to know Lynn for a brief moment in time but her love and compassion touched me even so. I believe that Lynn fought with all her might. I haven't been posting for awhile due to having committed to a 3month Head and Neck Cancer Forum which is ending in a couple days. With my other group finally ending I was anxious to come back here to see what's been happening since my first visit in June of this year. The post regarding Lynn's passing was the first that I came upon. Lynn had sent me a personal message when I first shared my story and we wrote back and forth a couple of times until her trip to N.Y. I also have lung metastasis and have participated in studies so we had allot in common. I will keep her surviving family in my prayers.
Much Love to All,

SSC Larynx/Supraglottic Laryngectomy'98. Max Radiat-'98,'01. Liver resect-'00. Metastasis to lt lung'02&rt lung'04. Carboplatin&Taxol&Ifosfamide&Taxotere'00.Cetuximab'02.Cysplatin&Topotecan'03.