Howdy, My name's Kevin and I have a question that all the searching on the Internet can't answer.. here goes.

Approximately Feb 2002 I started a radiation treatment to rid an operation site of possibile residual cancer cells. The doctors believe they got all of my facial nerve, which was acting like an expressway for cancer from my Parotid to travel.

The radiaion came in at two angles to spare my brain the fried-egg syndrome. One angle was basically from cheek to cheek .. going across my tongue. other angle was from the edge of the left side of my lip, straight back to cover the scar. On these two angles there was overlapping which was intentional.

Now.. here's the question. It's been about 5 years since then.. about a year ago, i've started noticing sporadic appearance of round spots of skin on my tongue that grow to the size of a dime.. about 3 of them usually. All of them on the left, and all spread out ot meet eachother, toward the end of their 'visit' cover about 1/5 of the surface area of my tongue when i stick it out.

These are just spots where the surface of the tonuge is worn down, no discoloration but a touch lighter flesh. i taste s slight amount of blood but they're not 'bleeding'. The affected skin feels like i burned it with food, that kind of tingle.

Has anyone seen or heard of this happening before? I was told by my oncologist that I should stop eating spicy food as my skin might be reacting but I find this a weak reason for 3 circular spots showing up on my tongue every short while.

thanks for any help you can offer!

One today is worth two tomorrows.
- Benjamin Franklin