Confidence in your Doctors is incredibly important.

I hate odds. The odds say that oral cancer patients have a 50 to 60% survival rate over 5 years. I'm sure there is some mathamatical base for that arguement, but I personally don't buy into it.

I think that your husbands will to fight this beast, and his Doctors willingness to go after it agressively, make a lot of difference.

You trust your Doctor, and must. He has his game face on, and is ready for the fight. You, and your husband need to be ready to come out swinging as well.

Fighting cancer is not passive; it's something you have to be agreesive about mentally as well.

From the day I was diagnosed, I said that I would be DAMNED if I let this thing beat me. I've said the same thing every single morning since, and I still feel the same way

I will be DAMNED if I let cancer beat ME.

There are times during treatent when letting it win would have been far easier than fighting. Don't EVER give it even that one single day.

You and your husband are in the biggest fight you will ever be in. Give it all you have to give.

Keep coming back, asking questions, venting or just to say Hi. We want to know what's happening

SCC left mandible TIVN0M0 40% of jaw removed, rebuilt using fibula, titanium and tissue from forearm.June 06. 30 IMRT Aug.-Oct. 06