Hello everybody, I had an operation some four months ago and was bioptically diagnosed with cancer of the vocal cords - after the CT they said T2NOMO - then I had 20 radiotherapy sessions. Everything seemed to go on well until some three weeks ago when I started feeling a sort of lump inside my neck - I feel it there all the time - it very rarely changes position, or so it feels. I went to see my doctors - both the throat therapist and the oncologist, I complained about my latest symptom and they never seemed to worry. The former showed me my perfectly white and clean vocal cords on a monitor ans was pretty satisfied with the way things looked(!?), the latter just used the mirror to look inside my throat and said that whatever I might feel inside must be a reaction to radiotherapy. He sent me home with the advice that I should forget everything that happened to me.
There is no need to say how stressed I am every morning when I wake up and realise my lump, or whatever it is, hasn't gone. What do you, the others, think I should do in the situation?
Thank you for paying any attention to this.