Hi all,

I have posted a few times here on behalf of my mother who has stage 2 re-occourant mouth/neck cancer. Thank You all for your input!

It started on her tounge. She had 1/2 of her tounge removed then went for rad. It came back in her neck and she had about 95% of a fist sized tomor removed and follow up chemo/tomo therapy. Yesterday at M.D. Anderson they said the red bumps may be squimis-cell cancer spreading to her skin and they have seen this before. Of course we are hoping it is some type of alergic reaction to one of the many medicines/scans she has undergone.

Is this common for the head/neck cancer to matastise this way?

If this is cancer they mentioned there may be some trials she is eligable since they do not think that they can be removed surgically and she may not be able to handle more aggresive chemo. She will get a biopsy next week. Hopefully this is not more cancer.

Sorry for the terriable spelling!
