Hello all.
First of all let me begin buy saying I was a chewing tobacco user for a little over 6 year. I quit the day before I got married and had quit for almost 2 yrs. Last November I started again. I battled back and forth with quitting Till May. In early June I noticed a sore throat and my glands swelled up a bit. At that point I waited a week or so and then went to my general practitioner. She felt as if the symptoms i presented were more of a viral infection. Things got progressivly worse over that month and the first week of july i would wake up with a really sore throat. At that point I was referred to a ENT who felt around and looked around, but didn't see any need for concern. Since that point, I can feel a few lymph nodes that are swollen. My initial swelling on the left side of my neck has subsidded, but i have a lump on the right side of my neck and two along my collar bone. One on the left and one on the right. In addition, i have felt a pian in the back of my throat around my right tonsil area. The doctors keep saying things look o.k. Last friday I had some blood drawn and they were going to check for anything in there. Over the weekend I noticed a small, hard, but movable lumps on the floor of my mouth. Earlier today, i went to an oral specialist and he said he wanted to see me in a couple of weeks to reexamine the lump on the floor of my mouth. The lump on my mouth is not exposed (open) as would a leison would seem to be from the pictures i have seen. There is not a white/red spot on it. Only a small hard bump that is under the skin. Has anyone had similar results? At this point, the thought of oral cancer consumes my every thought. My wife is pregnant with our first child, and that has only heighted my anxiety.