Higuys, feel like youre an extended part of my family...Thanks Dan, cant wait to get the invite, looking forward to meeting everybody. I just found out something very interesting. In one of my earlier posts I had said I have had quite a number of tumors biopsied, and well thank God so far all benign. One of my doctors thinks I May have Cowdens Syndrome. I had never heard of it so ofcourse I ran to the internet (damn near tripped LOL) to look it up. I have also commented about my bloodwork, and asked if there was any connection between all the tumors and was told NO...Well apparently there is... The only bad thing is with this Syndrome you have about a 20%-50% chance of getting breast cancer within your lifetime, about a 10% of thyroid cancer and about 5% chance of endometrial/colon cancer. How much does this Stink... The good news is-Im alive and well and plan to stay that way... I Dont mean to preach, so please dont anybody take what Im about to say that way OK? I have never been the Go to church type of person, but I have always given my heart and soul to God, I guess over the years I lost faith because of all the bad things that had gone on in my life, but I must say, I had a lil one on one with The Big Guy and I feel awesome, its as though all of my fear has left my body. I know I will be fine, and live a long and happy and healthy life. I will just be more diligent in my doctors apts. Sorry if I went on and got a lil off the subject, but thought it was something interesting that came my way and that I would share. Who knows maybe some of you, also have had other tumors and werent aware that you may have a mutated gene Pten... One never knows... Hopefully will chat soon. Everybody have a wonderful night and stay healthy...