Hi to All. We went to see the Physical Therapist today and she was OK, but really didn't get into too much information at this point. She had John do some basic stretches and used a "pulley" to help him raise his arms as far as he could. This initial session went well - but John said he really felt the strain in his neck and arms, and it was very painful. He had taken his pain meds before leaving the house - but by the time he was done with the exercises they had him do - I thought he was going to need a few more and fast! Of course as the old saying goes..."No pain, No gain" so I hope in time his arms and shoulders get some strength back. I know some people have mentioned that when they received therapy - it really wasn't all that helpful. I guess only time will tell. What kind of irked me is that the therapist, while working with my husband - was also hopping around to 2 other patients who were getting various therapies done. She didn't answer much of our questions at this time, but he has to go back there this Wednesday, so hopefully she'll have more time to sit down with him and answer the questions he has. John also wants to have "masso-therapy" done, and she seemed reluctant to do it saying at this point he probably would not be able to tolerate it. But he is insisting that she do this because he had this procedure done before on the back of his legs for torn hamstrings and he benefited greatly from that. She said that in time, she will try to incorporate some masso-therapy in his session, but it may not be for at least a few weeks. So that was pretty much it for today - not a whole lot of info to give, because we didn't have much time to spend with the therapist, but as soon as we hear anything else (perhaps on Wednesay) - I'll keep everyone informed.
