I went and saw the best Maxillofacial Surgeon in town. He gave me a complete oral exam. He found two bumps in my mouth, one about the size of a pea, the other a bit smaller. He also examined the white patches where my wisdom teeth were. He said that it was scar tissue that has been agitated by various things and should go away. He said the bumps are nothing to worry about either, he said they are bumps caused by my crooked teeth. He said there was no need for a biopsy, but I should get braces to keep my teeth from damaging the tissue in my mouth. I have decided to go back every six's months. It only cost $40.00.

Thanks for the advice, but I couldn't find anyone around here that uses the brush biopsy, but I did some reading up on it and it sounds like a good deal. Right now it's all surgery around here.
I do feel a little more relieved now that I had a second opinion.
I guess for the time being I will have to trust the Surgeon.
I like this website and think it's a great source of information. And out of the dozens I looked through on this subject, I found this to be my favorite.