Dear Peenk - I'm so glad you found this site. There are lots of great people here to help you get thru this, and all the latest information available, too. Everybody reacts differently to radiation and some have a much easier time of it. You have youth on your side so you can fight this! It does help to have someone go with you to the treatments or whenever your doctor consults with you so that you can make sure and remember what was said and for support as well. If the anxiety gets to be too much, tell your doctor about this and maybe he can recommend something that will help. Stay close and keep posting and let us know what's happening.

CG to son, Paul (age 33, non-smoker) SCC Stage 2, Surgery 9/21/06, 1/6 tongue Rt.side removed, +48 lymph nodes neck. IMRTx28 completed 12/19/06. CT scan 7/8/10 Cancer-free! ("spot" on lung from scar tissue related to Pneumonia.)