You might want to be checked for HPV virus, this is also a cause. Sounds like you caught it early.
Some questions I would ask are What about my teeth, have a dentist check them out before, the radiation will cause damage to them. I just had all my teeth removed this year, had 5 removed before surgery, but to much radiation damage had 26 taken out 4 months ago. I also went thru 45 hyberbaric oxgen chamber treaments this year before they removed teeth. Ask about syliva glands do they think they can save any. They did save one of mine and that make a large difference. Ask about food tube incase you have trouble eating during your radiation, I choose not to, bad choice on my part. I also just had another good check up. So with the Lords help I will and so will you kick it butt.

Tongue Cancer, stage 4, spread to neck/ Radical neck, 3 chemos, 33 radiation. 5-18-2005