Hi leslie,

First I will add your dad and you to my prayers.

Second His new cancer is not necessarily a recurrence of the first regardless, treatment options have not significantly changed in the last two years. Chemo is an aid to cancer treatment and to the best of my knowledge clinical standards for chemo in oral cancer have been around for a long time although, the compilation of drugs and/or concentration may have changed for SCC, there has been an accepted chemo "cocktail" for oral SCC for 10 plus years.

Salient lymph node testing prior to surgery is gaining popularity with oncologists to rule out lymph node involvement. Ask his Doctor if this is an option in your fathers situation.
I am sorry to hear about your brother as well. A double whammy for you...keep strong!! I do not have any info to add. Cookey's suggestion seems to be a very good resource I checked it out.
Keep us posted and keep asking questions, I've only been here for a couple of days but this is by far the best site I've been associated with.

Think positive,

Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.