I can't wait to share your story with my mom. I know, I need to update my sig line...still waiting for her surgery to take place...
My mom is a character also-she hid her issues from herself and others. I am her first born and happen to be a nosey sort who notices everything, sound, color.... She has been beating herself up for about 8 wks now because she smoked 1.5 packs of winston daily for over 40 years. She hates going to the dentist so she 'took care of things' herself. She has a partial plate which she was wearing with a wax tooth holding it in place in the front--she was very proud as she had constructed that tooth herself. She ignores a lot of what her body was telling her--actually, probably screaming at her. She is the most wonderful person I know and tries to see the light side of things....here and now she isn't finding much light, but I know she will again, once we get her back on track. I look forward to sharing your posts, as along with the replies with her, I have been telling her that her mind is her strongest advocate--besides me of course!
Thank you. Donna

CG to Mom, dx 4/25/07 with tongue cancer,T3N0,tx began 7/6/07, 31 tx's of IMRT, 8 cycles of Erbitux. Brachytherapy, surgery, left neck dissection and temp trach placed all on 9/17/07, trach removed 10/17/07. ORN of jaw, late effect of radiation symptoms. **lost my beautiful mother on 5/5/11.