Goodmorning David,
I welcome you to our "club". I had almost the same diagnosis as you, scc right tonsil one lymph node. My treatment plan was 33 IMRT 3 sessions of chemo and then modified neck dissection. My journey began in the Fall of 2005. I have to say the radiation was no picnic , however this is very doable. Today it does not seem like I was sick at all, but I do know how sick I was. You must get your head in the right place. Remember my friend you have cancer cancer does not have you. You will beat this thing, just keep in mind that every day is one closer to finishing treatment and getting on the road to recovery. I will not say that this is easy because it is not. A few pointers, if you do not have a PEG tube get one, take good care of your teeth etc. get as much nutrition as possible, and let people help, don't be a martyr. Your friends and family WANT to help, make them part of your recovery. Having a support network is crucial. I am the same age as you and live alone, I just gave my family and close friends keys to my apartment, The love and care from them helped more than can be expressed, let them do their thing. Fight the good fight. You will beat this thing then the cool part is that you are here and you will be reaching behind you to help those behind you climb this mountain. This is not easy but, you will find a way through. Hang in there , best of luck and may this journey go fast for you. One last thing relax with the taste and saliva issues, they will return.
Please contact me with any questions you might have.