I have not shared this with anyone but this is what I was confronted with the day i found this site. I did not share this with anyone because I have been consistently wrong the other dozen or so times I thought I was a goner. Great news!!!!
Clean chestXR, colonoscopy fine, and I need to start supplementing my meals with my drinks again. To be given a 13th chance is better than you can imagine.Now that I know I'm ok Amy I was wondering if you could extend me one of those licenses not to rake the leaves.Sometimes Time is the only awnser, and I pray my new found community of friends that you can be as lucky as me and have plenty of it.
Mark D.

Mark D. Stage 3 Nasopharynx dx10/99 T2N3M0 40xrad 2x Cisplatin 5FU. acute leuk 1998.