Hi Denise,

Sometimes the order of treatments vary with what the oncologist feels is the best way to proceed. When there is lymph node involvement in the neck, some do a neck dissection first, then follow with radiation, usually twice daily for seven weeks. As far as chemo, there is not agreement amongst the doctors as to which is the most beneficial. One thing they are finding with many cancers is that concurrent radiation and chemo is the most effective. The chemo could be weekly cisplatin, carboplatin/taxol, and/or 5FU, usually for six weeks.

In my mother's case, the doctors are choosing to do radiation and chemo first (chemo is cisplatin)then check the status of the neck nodes. If there is evidence of remaining cancer, they will do a neck dissection.

My mother does not have involvement of the tongue, so others will have to fill you in about procedures dealing with the tongue.

Hope this helps.
