Hello Again Everybody!!!! I hope you are all doing well!!! I haven't been here in quite some time and have many regrets for this and some guilt! I have tried to put the cancer behind me and it would break my heart sometimes to visit the site. I have remembered all of you in my prayers regularly!

I feel somewhat selfish returning now, for I am once again in great need of advice/support. I have been doing well and have received all good reports until recently. I am apprx 20 months post-op and recently I noticed an oval shaped, approx 5mm ulcer in the back of my mouth. It is a smooth red, with a white (very round) border, and shows no signs of healing. It appears as a burn or blister with the top layer of skin peeled off. Forgive my poor knowledge of oral anatomy, but it is on the very thin tissue between the hinge of my jaw and tonsil on the left side (same side as primary). It has been two weeks (at least) and I finally made appt with ENT to get checked out on Thursday. I am scared to death, loosing sleep, and am making myself sick obsessing about it. I can't imagine that this is anything good. I am not sure what I am looking for here from anybody, but need to write to people who understand. If ENT does not on his own, I am going to strongly request a biopsy. It doesn't appear as any of the photos of cancer that I have ever seen (& have seen many). Has anybody had ulcers like this? Did cancer appear this way? I am not sure what to think, except that I am scared to death. Any input/advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you all and GOD BLESS!!!


Rick T
Stage II SCC(T2N0M0). Dx:Jan.05 Surgical removal w/Neck Dissection (nodes clear) Feb 1,2005.