Hi, Last week a friend of ours who had had ovarian cancer 10 years ago found out she has liver and kidney cancer. They told her they would do all they can for her but she has 2 years tops to live. The gal up the street had breast cancer and surgery, radiation and chemo. They told her because of that 10 years was what she could expect.She said Bull. Who are they to tell me if my cancer does not come back I will only live 10 years. I do not understand. I was treated out of my area because of my cancer being oral, and I was only given positive reactions from Doctors. When I brought up %'s was told that all cases different and not to dwell on that.I can see telling someone that has 6 months to a year so they can take care of things that need done, but to project death after a year seems crazy. Anything can happen with treatment. A person thinking positive helps them heal faster and maybe has a good part to do with overall health.Am I missing something here?Do people want a guess on lifespan? I am confused and it's hard to know what to say to these people. confused

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000