I have also wondered as Michele. If "hot spots" show on the scan how do they distinguish the difference. My first scan since treatment is scheduled for 29 August.

I would also like to throw out another question if I may to get some responses. I am planning to have my PEG tube removed Monday and am wondering if this is too soon? I will be 2 days short of 5 weeks out of tratment at that point. I weighed 176 pounds when all of this started back in May and the most weight I lost during treatment was down to 158. I have now climbed back up to 166 and am taking a good bit of food by mouth. Does if sound safe to have the tube removed based on those facts.


Bill Dozier

Dx 4/27/06, SCC, BOT, Stage III/IV, Tx 5/25/06 through 7/12/06 - 33 IMRT and 4 chemo, radical right side neck dissection 9/20/06.