Hello! I am really new to this and have to educate myself. In May, I went for a regular dental visit and the dentist noticed some Leukoplakia on the left ventral surface of my tongue. The doctor referred me to an oral surgeon who did a biopsy on June
13th. The tissue sample showed dysplastic cells with "variable hyperkeratotic and dysplastic stratified squamous epithelium
overlying inflamed fibrous connective tissue and skeletal muscle". I had another oral surgery for that on July 20th to remove the remaining dysplastic tissue. Just got that pathology report. Due to the "multifocal nature of the dysplastic changes with increased mitotic activity within the basal region", I
have to see another doctor in 2 weeks.

Does anyone have input on this diagnosis and questions to ask doctors. The oral surgeon is really light on bedside manner and has no time to answer any questions. I have googled all these terms and have some idea of the situation.

I know this is not at all as serious as most of your situations. However, I would really benefit from your input.
